8 Oct 2011

A bit about me

Hi, this is my first attempt at blogging, and a little scared of the idea!  I guess I should start by introducing myself.

I'm a mature student(twenty-nine and counting) and have had a long lasting passion for drawing and computer games.  The earliest picture I remember drawing was a helicopter on some dot-matrix printer paper under my parents bad - think I was about four.  The first "console" I had was a Spectrum 48K when I was six. Fave games "Dizzy" collection, Blind Panic, IK+, Trapdoor, Renegade, Xenon, Robocop...  I'm not going to real out my fave games over different platforms.

Being a consumer I tend to appreciate games that play well over what they look like... And if someone asks whats my favourite game, I'll tell you the one I'm currently playing.  Have been many games and moments which have blown me away - It was a big step up with PSX/N64 and decent 3D... Tomb raider!!  Final Fantasy 7!!  These were epic games at the time - Immersive, imaginative and highly playable.

Being the fourth child born I think has also influenced me considerably, not only learning and taking inspiration from my siblings (Biggest bro = IT nerd, Sis = Bohemian Artist, other Bro = Party animal/chilled out).  Thinking about it I take after my dad somewhat - He spent day after day in his shed - he's a clock "master", and to be honest he is truly skilled and very technical - but maybe not the most attentive father

My parents split and I tending to go between them a lot and some of the consistant things were games, music and drawing.  I remember having an Amiga, Gameboy, & Megadrive around then & spending a lot of time in a dodgy video shop in Highfields living on the arcades.  Claim to "fame" - Complete "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles" with 50p.

When I did A-Levels I didn't really take them seriously, I lived and worked in a pub and surprised I got to the end of the course let alone pass.

In my time I've done quite a few jobs etc, most notably studied and performed drums on a decent level.  I do love music too - I think it may be an intravert thing, I enjoy the freedom you can only obtain through artistic expression.  It is a skill - something that stays, something unique, something special.  To be able to develop this skill and for it to be an asset in a job is like a dream come true.

I have just started to study "Game Art" at DMU, and am going to throw everything I've got at it.  The employment rate is astonishing and the students all work off each other, which is exactly what I want - Friendly competition with some talented & ambitious people.

One thing I need to concentrate on is socialising and staying in loops.  It's a skill like any other, which I know from experience is often as important as the work you do and can only help a lot (maybe distract you a little) - especially on this course where our peers share information so freely.

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