Here's a picture of Mitch's overlaying the root 5 grid. The colour wheel has a Gamut triangle -This defines the available palette (before he whacked on some adjusments). Here I believe he used it to colour areas to match the planes how the light & shadow would fall (green from above, blue shadows from the front/dropped by the green source).
part of what I'm writing about - not the numbers or theory - Not the how, but maybe a little about why. I looked around google and found this site, I personally don't work with mathmatical formulas, I see patterns - This is what it's about, the calculations were written after the fact to try and understand how our mind's eye sees.
If you have the chance watch the film Pi (CLICK ME) if you haven't already. Even from the advert you can get how it links to composition and is actually really interesting. I think in a way the premise is on to something - Maybe there is a universal pattern or something? In the film the some religious people call the pattern/formula "the true name of God", which I thought a nice spin.
Anyways, I made my own "root 5" template in Photoshop. I immediately noticed that it will line up to many different images.
Here I compared it to a model I'm making - I made up a load of stuff in my head, which may be real - explaining the use of negative space, weight, and framing to create the form... My problem is I did this after creating the model, so either it is a coincidence or there really is something about this pattern theory. I thought it was uncanny how many points matched up. The infinity points are in red (which are also called the "eyes of God"... pretty cool). I must say though, if you look for something you find it - I could probably throw this over an Atlas and locate Atlantis!... if you get what I'm saying
I'd like to think there is some kind of pattern which unites everything... I'm not religious, but I am maybe a little spiritual. I was thinking that composition is normally quite personal.. It can be a reflection of what you want to "say", a tool like perspective or lighting... It just kind of encompasses everything to a degree. In a movie the directer is the composer, like the composer is the composer in an orchestra - They just work in a different medium.
Just maybe I have absorbed more then I realise? I've drawn and seen a lot of pictures over my lifetime, and experienced a lot a stuff.
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